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Product - Publication

Statistics of Marine and Coastal Resources 2021

Statistics of Marine and Coastal Resources 2021

Catalog Number : 3312002
Publication Number : 04300.2107
ISSN/ISBN : 2086-2806
Publishing Frequency : Annually
Release Date : November 30, 2021
Language : Indonesian
File Size : 0.83 MB


Marine and Coastal Resources Statistics 2021 is a BPS publication that presents data on the potential and management of marine and coastal resources. The data in this publication is the result of a compilation of secondary data from the Central Statistics Agency and related agencies/units both at the central and regional levels. This publication carries the theme “Sustainable Fisheries”, as a form of support for the Sustainable Development Goals (TPB), the Pillars of Environmental Development, “Conserving and Sustainable Goals of Marine and Ocean Resources”. Marine resources with fish resources in them is a big capital for development. Although fishing is a natural resource that can be developed, it can be found if it is not managed carefully and appropriately. This is because fish resources are common property. the tendency is that all have the same right to capture it (open access). This is likely in the use of overfishing (overfishing). This publication provides an overview of the implementation of the principles of sustainable national development in the future as part of the current policy and implementation of development in the marine and fisheries sector.
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