Executive Summary of Consumption and Expenditure of Indonesia March 2021 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia
BPS-Statistics IndonesiaBPS-Statistics Indonesia
BPS-Statistics Indonesia

Executive Summary of Consumption and Expenditure of Indonesia March 2021

Catalog Number : 3201013
Publication Number : 04200.2115
ISSN/ISBN : 2089-2438
Publishing Frequency : Semianually
Release Date : October 29, 2021
Language : Indonesian and English
File Size : 7.51 MB


The government prepared policies to deal with the impact of Covid-19 on various sectorsat the beginning of the pandemic due to the massive level of transmission. Apart fromthe health sector, the social and economic sectors of the community have experienceda real impact from Covid-19. Therefore, data is needed to describe the conditions thatoccur in society, so that the policies taken can be monitored and evaluated. Throughthe National Socio-Economic Survey (Susenas), information about the socio-economicconditions of the community, such as aspects of meeting the needs of life (clothing,food, shelter), education and health, can be periodically identified. This data is a sourcefor calculating indicators of people's welfare, such as poverty, income inequality andfood security.
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