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Product - Publication

Export by Transportation Modes, 2019-2020

Export by Transportation Modes, 2019-2020

Catalog Number : 8202028
Publication Number : 06100.2146
ISSN/ISBN : 2580-1694
Publishing Frequency : Annually
Release Date : August 30, 2021
Language : Indonesian
File Size : 2.87 MB


This publication provides export data according to the mode of transportation used in export goods delivery from Indonesia to destination countries during 2019-2020. The data sources of this Mode of Transportation Publication are the Export Declarations (Pemeritahuan Ekspor Barang (PEB)) and Non-PEB documents which are compiled and processed by BPS. Modes of transportation used in the export of goods include sea, land, air, post, and pipeline.The grouping of commodities in this publication uses the Harmonized Systems (HS) 2017. The data are presented in net weight (Kg) and FOB value (US$). In 2020, Indonesia’s export value using sea transport accounted for 92.06 percent, reached US$150.2 billion. Meanwhile, the export value using air transport was US$11.1 billion, pipeline mode was US$1.8 billion, land transport was US$54.4 million, and post consignment was US$49.9 million.
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