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Product - Publication

Laborer Situation in Indonesia February 2021

Laborer Situation in Indonesia February 2021

Catalog Number : 2303006
Publication Number : 04100.2103
ISSN/ISBN : 1979-7702
Publishing Frequency : Semianually
Release Date : June 8, 2021
Language : Indonesian and English
File Size : 11.7 MB


This publication is a complement to the publication of The Labor Force Situation in Indonesia February 2021 produced by Sub Directorate of Labor Statistics. This publication uses data sources from the National Labor Force Survey (Sakernas) in February 2021. Data presented to provinces specific to workers in Indonesia, which is a combination of employment status (employees, casual worker in agriculture, and casual worker in in non-agricultural). The purpose of writing this publication is to present data that can describe the situation of laborers (employees, casual worker in agriculture, and casual worker in in non-agricultural) in Indonesia. In February 2021, the data displayed using the projected population forecast 2015-2045, which includes: the number of workers and characteristics such as sex, age, education, province, employment, working hours per week, job type, wage/salary/income per month and average monthly wage/salary/income.
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