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Product - Publication

Indicators for Housing and Health of Environment 2020

Indicators for Housing and Health of Environment 2020

Catalog Number : 3301001
Publication Number : 04230.2006
ISSN/ISBN : 2302-5905
Publishing Frequency : Every 2 Years
Release Date : December 31, 2020
Language : Indonesian
File Size : 15.21 MB


Indicators for Housing and Health of Environment 2020 presents various indicator related to housing and environmental health which derived from the National Socio-Economic Survey March 2018-2020. The information presented in this publication includes the physical condition of housing buildings, housing facilities, environmental health, and housing expenses. This publication presents indicators with various disaggregations such as type of area, the gender of the household head, the level of education completed by the household head, and the household expenditure quintile. This information is expected to be able to fulfill data needs for various purposes such as planning, monitoring, evaluation, and research related to housing and environmental health.
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