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Product - Publication

Household Expenditure Survey 2018 Gorontalo

Household Expenditure Survey 2018 Gorontalo

Catalog Number : 7102016.75
Publication Number : 06230.2038
ISSN/ISBN : 978-602-438-386-2
Publishing Frequency : Every 5 Years
Release Date : December 9, 2020
Language : Indonesian and English
File Size : 6.4 MB


BPS-Statistics Indonesia has conducted HES for seven times. The first survey was in 1977/1978 covering 17 provincial capitals, the second survey was in 1989 covering 27 provincial capitals, the third survey was in 1990 covering 27 provincial capitals and 17 cities, the fourth survey was in 2002 covering 30 provincial capitals and 15 cities, the fifth survey was in 2007 covering 33 provincial capitals and 33 cities, the sixth survey was in 2012 covering 33 provincial capitals and 49 cities, and the seventh survey was in 2018 covering 34 provincial capitals and 56 municipalities. This publication is presented in provincial level, thus there are 34 publications under the same title, “Household Expenditure Survey 2018”. The difference between each book is in the cities covered in each province. This publication is presented in two forms, softcopy/CD-ROM and hardcopy in a limited edition.
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