Labor Market Indicators Indonesia August 2020 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia
BPS-Statistics IndonesiaBPS-Statistics Indonesia
BPS-Statistics Indonesia

Labor Market Indicators Indonesia August 2020

Catalog Number : 2302004
Publication Number : 04120.2006
ISSN/ISBN : 2088-5679
Publishing Frequency : Semianually
Release Date : December 7, 2020
Language : Indonesian
File Size : 5.64 MB


This publication presents the development of labor market indicators (Key Indicators of the Labor Market -KILM) August 2019, February 2020, and August 2020. The indicators shown refer to the 9th edition of KILM recommended by the ILO (International Labor Organization) 2015, with hope can be used as a reference regarding the conditions of the labor market in Indonesia. Of the 17 (seventeen) KILM indicators, there are only 14 KILM indicators whose measurements can be displayed through Sakernas data. Several KILM indicators by province and supporting tables for KILM indicators are presented in the attachment to this publication.
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