Impor Menurut Moda Transportasi 2018-2019 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia
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Impor Menurut Moda Transportasi 2018-2019

Catalog Number : 8202023
Publication Number : 06120.2017
ISSN/ISBN : 978-602-438-364-0
Publishing Frequency : Annualy
Release Date : December 4, 2020
Language : Indonesian
File Size : 4.78 MB


Transportation is a very important and strategic means in accelerating the wheels of the economy, strengthening unity and integrity and influencing all aspects of national life. Transportation is a process of moving goods and services from their place of origin to their destination. As an archipelago that stretches from Sabang to Merauke with 17 thousand islands, it can only be well connected through a well-structured multi-mode transportation system.
In order to support the success of national trade, especially in supporting community economic activities and regional development, good transportation facilities and infrastructure is a must. The modes of transportation include sea, land and air transportation modes.
This publication is the result of a compilation of import statistics detailed by transportation modes in 2018-2019.
Imports decreased by 17,435.7 million (9.24 percent). 2019 imports of sea transportation are the main transportation for import activities with a value of USD152,468.8, air transportation is in second place with a value of USD18,805.4 million and the third is land transportation with a value of USD1.6 million.
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