Analysis of Export Commodity 2012-2019 Agriculture, Industry, and Mining Sectors - BPS-Statistics Indonesia
BPS-Statistics IndonesiaBPS-Statistics Indonesia
BPS-Statistics Indonesia

Analysis of Export Commodity 2012-2019 Agriculture, Industry, and Mining Sectors

Catalog Number : 8202005
Publication Number : 06110.2022
ISSN/ISBN : 2085-6008
Publishing Frequency : Annualy
Release Date : July 6, 2020
Language : Indonesian
File Size : 6.51 MB


This publication presents a simple analysis of export growth, weight and value ratio, and the role of Indonesian exports during 2012-2019 according to agriculture, manufacturing, and mining industry. The sources of this statistics in the publication were obtained from Export Declaration Dokument (PEB) and Non-PEB which further compiled and processed by BPS. The commodities grouping in this publication is based on conversion of Harmonized Systems (HS) 2017 code to structure of ISIC Indonesia 2015 (KBLI) 2015. Indonesia's export commodities is dominated by non-oil and gas. During 2012-2019, the share of non-oil and gas exports in averaged was 88.26 percent per year. Non-oil and gas exports during the period 2012 to 2019 were always dominated by the commodities exports of manufacturing industry. The average contribution of export of manufacturing industry sector to the total of non-oil and gas exports during the period 2012 to 2019 amounted to 80.68 percent.
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