Livestock in Figures 2020 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia
BPS-Statistics IndonesiaBPS-Statistics Indonesia
BPS-Statistics Indonesia

Livestock in Figures 2020

Catalog Number : 5301008
Publication Number : 05210.2002
ISSN/ISBN : 2714-8416
Publishing Frequency : Annualy
Release Date : June 10, 2020
Language : Indonesian
File Size : 7.41 MB


The livestock subsector is one of the sub-sectors that contributes to the national economy and is able to absorb labor significantly, so that it can be relied on in efforts to improve the national economy. This is illustrated from the results of the 2013 Agricultural Census (ST2013) that the number of livestock households in Indonesia reached almost 13 million households. In addition, the availability of livestock products will directly improve the nutritional status of the community, especially for the fulfillment of calories and animal protein. Fulfillment of public consumption of animal calories and protein will improve the quality of human resources (HR). Livestock data is not only related to sectoral data, especially population and production of livestock, but also increasingly felt the need to link production data with other supporting data such as consumption, prices, including export and import data. This is necessary considering the interrelationships between the data affect each other so that in policy making by the government can consider various aspects that are interconnected with one another. To answer the needs of the livestock data it is necessary to present comprehensive livestock subsector data which can be used as a guide by various parties, especially the government in planning and evaluating livestock sector development in Indonesia.
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