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Product - Publication

Booklet of Results of Cost Structure of Horticulture Cultivation Household Survey, 2018

Booklet of Results of Cost Structure of Horticulture Cultivation Household Survey, 2018

Catalog Number : 5202017
Publication Number : 05120.2001
ISSN/ISBN : 978-602-438-327-5
Publishing Frequency : Ad Hoc
Release Date : March 6, 2020
Language : Indonesian and English
File Size : 5.4 MB


Booklet results of The Cost Structure of Horticultural Cultivation Household Survey 2018 (SOUH2018) is the result from tabulation of SOUH2018-S list. SOUH2018 was conducted to collect accurate statistical data about cost of production, horticule household profiles, and characterisics of horticulture crops that held in August-September 2019 in all province in Indonesia. Data presented in this booklet includes horticulture household profiles, the cost structure of horticultural cultivation, and social economy of horticulture households. This booklet is expected to provide information for users, especially the government for establishing effective plans and policies to improve the horticulture subsector.

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