Manufacturing Industrial Directory 2019 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia
BPS-Statistics IndonesiaBPS-Statistics Indonesia
BPS-Statistics Indonesia

Manufacturing Industrial Directory 2019

Catalog Number : 1305027
Publication Number : 05310.1905
ISSN/ISBN : 0216-0099
Publishing Frequency : Annualy
Release Date : December 6, 2019
Language : Indonesian
File Size : 24.21 MB


This Directory covers name, address, primary product, and employment of approximately 30,209 large and medium manufacturing industry (LMI) establishments. The establishment is considered “medium” when it employs 20 to 99 workers and is considered “large” when it employs 100 or more workers. Regarding the number of establishments that increase from time to time (because of newly opened, closed, and moved establishment), BPS updates the Directory at the beginning of the year. The updating is based on matching of the BPS Directory with establishment lists of other agencies such as Ministry of Industry, Ministry of Man Power, Association, Regional Government offices, etc.
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