Indonesia Foreign Trade Statistics Export by ISIC Code, 2017-2018 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

Indonesia Foreign Trade Statistics Export by ISIC Code, 2017-2018

Catalog Number : 8202009
Publication Number : 06110.1922
ISSN/ISBN : 1979-3251
Publishing Frequency : Annualy
Release Date : July 26, 2019
Language : Indonesian
File Size : 7.24 MB


Publication of Exports Foreign Trade Statistics Bulletin by ISIC year 2017-2018 presents exports data based on the International Standard Industrial Classification (ISIC) 2, 3, and 4 digits described by country of destination, and province of loading. The publication uses data with the latest classification of Harmonized System (HS) code based on the Indonesia Customs Tariff Book (BTKI) 2017 which is converted to ISIC Rev.4 code as the basis of classification. The publication consists of summary and supporting tables. The summary discusses Indonesian exports in 2017-2018 generally, and exports profile by seven categories of ISIC 2 digits sorted by the largest value in 2018. The seven ISIC categories are Manufacture of Food Products (ISIC 10); Mining of Coal and Lignite (ISIC 05); Extraction of Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas (ISIC 06); Manufacture of Basic Metals (ISIC 24); Manufacture of Chemicals and Chemical Products (ISIC 20); Crop and Manufacture of Wearing Apparel (ISIC 14). And Animal Production, Hunting and Related Service Activities (ISIC 01) Meanwhile, the supporting tables present exports data by ISIC code specified by the province of loading and country of destination.
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