Tourism Satelite Account of Indonesia 2017 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia
BPS-Statistics IndonesiaBPS-Statistics Indonesia
BPS-Statistics Indonesia

Tourism Satelite Account of Indonesia 2017

Catalog Number : 8401007
Publication Number : 06330.1902
ISSN/ISBN : 978-602-438-274-2
Publishing Frequency : Annualy
Release Date : March 26, 2019
Language : Indonesian
File Size : 5.88 MB


The Publication of Nesparnas (Neraca Satelit Pariwisata Nasional) 2017 describes the condition of Indonesian tourism and its role in Indonesia economic. This publication presents information about tourist consumption structures, value of investment, and promotion in the field of tourism in current year. In addition, the publication also presented information about the structure of the workforce in industries that are related to tourism, such as the business of providing accommodation, travel services and restaurant.
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