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Product - Publication

Analysis of SE2016-Sample Result Potential Performance Improvement of Micro and Small Enterprise

Analysis of SE2016-Sample Result Potential Performance Improvement of Micro and Small Enterprise

Catalog Number : 9102062
Publication Number : 07310.1901
ISSN/ISBN : 978-602-438-270-4
Publishing Frequency : Ad Hoc
Release Date : March 5, 2019
Revision Date : May 10, 2021
Language : Indonesian
File Size : 14.61 MB


The first objective of Indonesia National Development Planning 2015-2019 is to increase the inclusive and sustainable growth. One of the government strategies to achieve the objective is by reaching the higher degree of competitiveness and strengthening contribution of Micro Small Enterprises (UMK).According to 2016 Economic Census result, number of UMK in Indonesia was 22,26 million units, dominating economic activity or contributing 98,33 percent to the total of enterprises. This makes UMK performance analyses in Indonesia is highly recommended, relevant and beneficial. It can provide information of UMK potential. In 2017, BPS conducted data collection to extend information from Economic Census 2016, called as SE2016 Lanjutan. ”Potential Performance Improvement of Micro and Small Enterprise” is an analyses of this data collection result. The publication analyses the human capital characteristics, financial capital access, and influential factors of the access, financial performance and profitability, elasticity and cost structure between sector, and economic prospect and its influential factors. In the end, this publication provides policy recommendation to improve UMK performance in Indonesia.
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