Regional Trade in Indonesia 2018 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia
BPS-Statistics IndonesiaBPS-Statistics Indonesia
BPS-Statistics Indonesia

Regional Trade in Indonesia 2018

Catalog Number : 8201023
Publication Number : 06130.1909
ISSN/ISBN : 978-602-438-267-4
Publishing Frequency : Annualy
Release Date : February 22, 2019
Revision Date : July 8, 2019
Language : Indonesian
File Size : 15.3 MB


Trade between regions occurs in all provinces in Indonesia. This indicates that each of the provinces is mutually tied to one another, especially in terms of trade. Total sales between provinces in Indonesia reached 2,134.18 trillion rupiah. While the total purchases between provinces in Indonesia reached 1,727.22 trillion rupiah. Thus trade between provinces carried out by all provinces in Indonesia has a surplus of 406.96 trillion rupiah. Based on the province, there are 15 provinces that have a surplus in the trade balance between regions. East Java Province is the province with the largest trade balance surplus between regions, namely Rp.433.42 trillion. Whereas North Sumatra is a province with a trade balance surplus between the smallest regions of Rp. 0.81 trillion. For other provinces that have a trade deficit between regions, West Java Province is the province with the largest trade balance deficit between regions, namely Rp. 4.59 trillion. Meanwhile, Central Sulawesi was the province with the smallest trade balance deficit of Rp. 04.04 trillion. North Sumatra was the province with the smallest trade balance surplus between Rp. 0.81 trillion. For other provinces that have a trade deficit between regions, West Java Province is the province with the largest trade balance deficit between regions, namely Rp. 4.59 trillion. Meanwhile, Central Sulawesi is a province with the trade balance deficit between the smallest regions, namely Rp.0.04 trillion.
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