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Product - Publication

Statistics of Marine and Coastal Resources 2018

Statistics of Marine and Coastal Resources 2018

Catalog Number : 3312002
Publication Number : 04320.1804
Publishing Frequency : Annualy
Release Date : December 7, 2018
Language : Indonesian and English
File Size : 9.49 MB


SDLP 2018 is an annual publication published by BPS since 2004 in order to provide statistical data and information that supports the planning and evaluation of the development of marine and coastal resources. With the theme "Crossing and Preserving Marine Resources", it is hoped that SDLP 2018 can be a key source of information for stakeholders in formulating marine resource management policies and the development of coastal areas, academics and observers of sea and coastal issues. This published data is the result of compilation of secondary data originating from the Statistics of Indonesia and related institutions both at the central and regional levels.
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