Livestock Establishment Directory 2018 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia
BPS-Statistics IndonesiaBPS-Statistics Indonesia
BPS-Statistics Indonesia

Livestock Establishment Directory 2018

Catalog Number : 1305081
Publication Number : 05210.1806
ISSN/ISBN : 2654-4555
Publishing Frequency : Annually
Release Date : November 30, 2018
Language : Indonesian
File Size : 3.79 MB


Annually data collection has many problems, especially because of the scope and lack of initial information about the conditions of agricultural establishment, Slaughterhouse (RPH/TPH) and other agricultural businesses (NRT) that will be targeted for enumeration. This results in establishment that are not operating or even closed, are still targeted for enumeration.To overcome the problems above, then in 2018 activities will be carried out to update the directory of agricultural establishment (DPP), RPH / TPH, and other agricultural businesses (DNRT). This activity will be carried out annually and the results are expected to be the basis for setting targets for annual enumeration in the current year with better coverage.
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