Analysis of Survey Results Data Requirement 2017 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia
BPS-Statistics IndonesiaBPS-Statistics Indonesia
BPS-Statistics Indonesia

Analysis of Survey Results Data Requirement 2017

Catalog Number : 1399013
Publication Number : 03210.1802
ISSN/ISBN : 2302-7738
Publishing Frequency : Annualy
Release Date : August 2, 2018
Language : Indonesian
File Size : 5.77 MB


Data Requirement Survey (SKD) is an annual survey conducted by BPS to identify the level of needs and level of data user satisfaction in order to improve the quality of data and statistical information and provide better public services. SKD was first implemented in 2005 and only conducted in BPS. In 2008, SKD was conducted in BPS and five provincial BPS as pilot projects. In 2009 and 2010, SKDs were conducted at BPS and eleven provincial BPS. In 2011 -2013, SKD is conducted in BPS and 33 provincial BPS. Since 2014, the location of the execution of SKD is developed to the kabupaten / kota BPS.

The survey results show 72.85 percent of data users coming from the Institute of Education Affairs. Users of the most data utilize the results of visits for papaer / thesis / dissertation with a value of 44.51 percent. From the data type side, Population is the type of data most sought by the user data. While the publication of the most sought after by data users is the publication of Kewarganegaraan, Suku Bangsa, Agama, dan Bahasa Sehari-hari Penduduk Hasil SP2010.

In addition to knowing the characteristics of data users who visit the PST, SKD can also describe the level of user satisfaction BPS data is reflected by the Consumer Satisfaction Index (IKK) and the Anti Corruption Perceptions Index (IPAK). The result of SKD 2017 shows that IKK is 89.77, improvement when compared with IKK BPS in 2016 which amounted to 86.72. While the IPAK of BPS in 2017 increased compared to 2016, ie from 81.86 in 2016 to 86.44 in 2017.

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