Catalog Number | : | 5303008 |
Publication Number | : | 05210.1805 |
ISSN/ISBN | : | 0216-2636 |
Publishing Frequency | : | Annualy |
Release Date | : | June 8, 2018 |
Language | : | Indonesian and English |
File Size | : | 5.77 MB |
Publication of Dairy Cattle Establishment Statistics is an annual publication containing results of data collection from dairy cattle establishment survey in 2018 using Annually Report of Dairy Cattle Establishment 2017. This publication contains profile, labor, spending of wages/salary workers, fuel, fodder and medicines, livestock mutation, production,etc.
The method of data collection is complete survey (census). It covers the entire dairy farm establishment, with legal status and the active/activities during the year throughout the territory of Indonesia. Data was collected by using a LTS-form every year. Data collection or enumeration was conducted in January to April 2018 about establishment’s condition during the last year (January to December 2017) and number of dairy cattle on December 31st, 2017.
The dairy cattle establishment covered are all dairy cattle establishment with legal status Ltd/Ltd-Partnership, Firm, cooperatives, and foundations which conducts a continuous basis in a particular place for commercial/profit that consists of breeding, dairy farming and milk collection.
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