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BPS-Statistics Indonesia


Product - Publication

Foreign Trade Statistics Import of Indonesia 2017 Volume I

Foreign Trade Statistics Import of Indonesia 2017 Volume I

Catalog Number : 8202027
Publication Number : 06120.1805
ISSN/ISBN : 0126-4419
Publishing Frequency : Annualy
Release Date : May 11, 2018
Language : Indonesian and English
File Size : 15.97 MB


Import value of January-December 2017 reached US$15.985,6 million, consisting of oil and gas imports of US$24.316,2 million (increased 15,73 percent) and non-oil and gas US$132.669,3 million (13,48 percent).

The main origin countries of total import value from January to December 2017 are China (22,78 percent), followed by Singapore (10,76 percent) and Japan (9,71 percent). In terms of broad economic catagories, dominated imports of raw/auxiliary materials amounted to US$117.851,3 million (75,07 percent), followed by capital goods US$25.059,1 million (15,96 percent) and consumer goods US$14.075,1 million (8,97 percent).

During January-December 2017, Tanjung Priok's port in DKI Jakarta is still the main unloading place for imported goods in Indonesia with a portion of 42.57 percent (US$66,829.8 million).

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