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Product - Publication

Analysis of Economic Census Listing 2016 - Agglomeration of Manufacturing Industry in Indonesia

Analysis of Economic Census Listing 2016 - Agglomeration of Manufacturing Industry in Indonesia

Catalog Number : 9102057
Publication Number : 07340.1701
ISSN/ISBN : 978-602-438-178-3
Publishing Frequency : Ad Hoc
Release Date : December 26, 2017
Language : Indonesian
File Size : 3.59 MB


Economic Census 2016 is implemented in several stages, one of which is listing or registration of business / company (SE2016-L). The purpose of listing is to obtain data and information about the business unit / company along with the characteristics of its business. The Publication of Agglomeration of Manufacturing Industry in Indonesia aims to provide information on the agglomeration pattern of manufacturing industry business activities, agglomeration-generating factors in general, and the relationship between this category of agglomeration pattern and other categories of agglomeration such as trade, transportation and finance.
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