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Product - Publication

Farmer Terms of Trade Statistics 2015

Farmer Terms of Trade Statistics 2015

Catalog Number : 7102019
Publication Number : 06240.1601
ISSN/ISBN : 1829-8834
Publishing Frequency : Annualy
Release Date : March 31, 2016
Language : Indonesian and English
File Size : 7.68 MB


The data presented is data of 2015 that includes five subsectors those are food crops, horticulture crops, smallholders estate crops, animal husbandry, and fisheries. Farmer Terms of Trade (FTT) is used as a proxy indicator of welfare. Since December 2013, the FTT had been calculated using 2012 as a base year covering 33 provinces. In adddition to reporting the indices of the price received by farmers, price paid by farmers, and farmers` terms of trade, this publication also explains the concepts, definitions, methodology, and explanation of the weight diagram used in the FTT.
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