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Product - Publication

Hotel and Other Accommodation Statistics in Indonesia 2014

Hotel and Other Accommodation Statistics in Indonesia 2014

Catalog Number : 8403002
Publication Number : 06330.1403
ISSN/ISBN : 1829-9350
Publishing Frequency : Annualy
Release Date : October 6, 2014
Language : Indonesian
File Size : 2.14 MB


The publication of Hotel and Other Accommodation Statistics in Indonesia 2014 is an annual publication compiled by BPS-Statistics Indonesia. This publication covers basic information on accommodation services such as number of accommodations, rooms and beds, as well as number of workers specified by education, status of worker and kind of job as well as the number of overnight stay of guests. The figures in this publication were obtained from the result of annual survey of accommodation establishment in all over Indonesia, which was undertaken in January to July 2014 by BPS regional offices.
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