Food Crops Production Final Figures 2013 and Forecast Figures I-2014 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

Food Crops Production Final Figures 2013 and Forecast Figures I-2014

Catalog Number : 5203014
Publication Number : 05110.1403
ISSN/ISBN : 2088-6993
Publishing Frequency : Annualy
Release Date : June 27, 2014
Language : Indonesian
File Size : 1.72 MB


Food crops production publication is published three times in 2014, Preliminary fiures (ASEM) 2013 in early March, Final fiures 2013 and Forecast Figures I-2014 in early July, and Forecast Figures II-2014 in November. Food crops production presented in this publication includes paddy and secondary food crops (maize, soybean, peanut, mungbean, cassava, and sweet potato) production. This publication covers harvested area, productivity (yield per hectare), and production.
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