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Product - Publication

Foreign Trade Statistical Imports 2011 Volume III

Foreign Trade Statistical Imports 2011 Volume III

Catalog Number : 8202007
Publication Number : 06120.1211
ISSN/ISBN : 0126-3668
Publishing Frequency : Annualy
Release Date : July 16, 2012
Language : Indonesian
File Size : 12 MB


This publication is a sequential issue from the preceding publication which developed by the BPS - Statistics Indonesia. This publication contains the data compiled based on the import documents of 2011 received by the BPS since beginning of January, 2011 through January 31, 2012. The data in this publication consist of import by country of origin, port of importation, HS section and chapter, commodity (HS) and country of origin. This publication is released in three volumes with different catalog number.
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