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BPS-Statistics IndonesiaBPS-Statistics Indonesia
BPS-Statistics Indonesia


Catalog Number : 3201016
Publication Number : 07320.0802
Publishing Frequency : Ad Hoc
Release Date : December 5, 2008
Language : Indonesian
File Size : 16.93 MB


This publication contains collections of profile analysis of 10 commodities that cover rice, soybean, meat cow, chicken meat and egg, palm oil and fried oil, marine fishery, gasoline, flour, pulp and paper, and cement. The analysis is to describe current situation of problems, obstacles and future prospect of 10 main commodities and the situation in relation units labor force, poverty, social welfare and economic growth. The analysis is needed as a reference for the development of commodities potentials. The impact of commodities potentials development is large, among others can create job vacancy and foreign currency saving which in turn can motorize national economy.
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