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BPS-Statistics IndonesiaBPS-Statistics Indonesia
BPS-Statistics Indonesia


Catalog Number : 5102001
Publication Number : 05120.0805
ISSN/ISBN : 0854-9427
Publishing Frequency : Annualy
Release Date : November 6, 2008
Language : Indonesian
File Size : 0.81 MB


In this publication, commodities are classified into five major groups as follows: food crops group includes subgroup of paddy and secondary crops, sub group of vegetables, sub group of fruits, fishery group includes subgroup of sea fisheries and subgroup of fresh water fisheries, group of livestock and its products, forestry group, and estate group. Considering the data continuation and its domination within its group, some commodities were selected to represent other commodities in each groups. Meanwhile, the agricultural indicators included for example are GDP chain index, area planted, area harvested, production index, productivity, and exports. This publication was published with BPS Catalog: 5201.
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