Annually Indonesian Flow-of-Funds Accounts 2002-2007 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia
BPS-Statistics IndonesiaBPS-Statistics Indonesia
BPS-Statistics Indonesia

Annually Indonesian Flow-of-Funds Accounts 2002-2007

Catalog Number : 9502002
Publication Number : 07230.0801
ISSN/ISBN : 0854-6967
Publishing Frequency : Annualy
Release Date : August 15, 2008
Language : Indonesian
File Size : 0 MB


In economic terminology, Flow of Funds Accounts defined as a monetary data system which present detailed monetary data, consistent at the same time with data of balance of real ( investment and saving) coming from balance of national income. Flow of Funds Accounts provides important data to empirical analysis, for example to see interaction between investment and saving, receivable debt, financial behavior, and determination of rate of interest. This publication was published with BPS Catalog: 9304.
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