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Product - Publication

Labor Force Situation in Indonesia February 2008

Labor Force Situation in Indonesia February 2008

Catalog Number : 2303004
Publication Number : 04120.0836
Publishing Frequency : Annually
Release Date : July 8, 2008
Language : Indonesian
File Size : 9.4 MB


This publication describes the labor force situation in Indonesia, obtained from the 2000 national labor force survey. The data presented in those tables covered population aged 15 years and over, such as : number of populations and type of activity, number of labor forces by age group, education, main industry, and main employment status. Firstly this publication only published every year (1976-2003). Since 2004, it is published every semester. The semester publication was `labor force situation in Indonesia February 2008`. This publication was published with BPS catalogue: 3402.
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