Paddy Harvested Area and Production in Indonesia 2023 (Preliminary Figures) - BPS-Statistics Indonesia
BPS-Statistics IndonesiaBPS-Statistics Indonesia
BPS-Statistics Indonesia

Paddy Harvested Area and Production in Indonesia 2023 (Preliminary Figures)

Release Date : October 16, 2023
File Size : 5.53 MB


  • In 2023, paddy harvested area is approximately 10.20 million hectares with 53.63 million tons of dry unhusked paddy (GKG) production.
  • The rice production in 2023 is around 30.90 million tons if converted into the rice.
  • Paddy harvested area in 2023 reached approximately 10.20 million hectares, experiencing decrease of 2.45 percent or 255.79 thousand hectares compared to 2022, which was 10.45 million hectares.
  • Paddy production in 2023 is approximately 53.63 million tons of GKG, experiencing decrease of 1.12 million tons or 2.05 percent compared to 2022, which was 54.75 million tons of GKG.
  • Rice production in 2023 for food consumption reached around 30.90 million tons, a decrease of 645.09 thousand tons or 2.05 percent compared to 2022, which was 31.54 million tons.
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