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Farmers’ Terms of Trade (FTT) June 2022 was 105.96 or up to 0.52 percent

Farmers’ Terms of Trade (FTT) June 2022 was 105.96 or up to 0.52 percent

Release Date : July 1, 2022
File Size : 2.44 MB


  • FTT is ratio of the index of prices received by farmers (It) and the index of prices paid by farmers (Ib).
  • FTT is an indicator to measure farmers’ purchasing power parity in rural areas. FTT shows the terms of trade of agricultural products with goods and services consumption and production costs.
  • In June 2022, national FTT was 105.96 or increased by 0.52 percent compared with that in May 2022. The increased of FTT was due to the increase in the index of prices received by farmers (It) at 1.47 percent higher than the increase in the index of prices paid by farmers (Ib) at 0.94 percent.
  • In June 2022, Kalimantan Timur Province experienced the highest increase of FTT at 2.26 percent. On the other hand, Bengkulu Province had the highest decrease of FTT at 5.01 percent.
  • The price index of household consumption (IKRT) in June 2022 increased by 1.21 percent in Indonesia, which was due to the increase in almost all of the indexes of expenditure groups.
  • Nationally, Agriculture’s Terms of Trade (NTUP) was 106.91 in June 2022 or increased by 1.11 percent compared with April 2022.

  • Dried harvested grain (GKP) price at the farmer level increased by 1.72 percent and the price of premium quality rice at huller level decreased by 0.16 percent.
  • There were 1,589 paddy sales transactions recorded in 27 provinces during June 2022. The percentage of transactions varied by the quality of the paddy, which was the dried harvested grain (GKP) 63.62 percent, dried unhusked grain (GKG) 22.47 percent, and the other quality 13.91 percent.
  • In June 2022, the average GKP price at the farmer level was Rp4,538 per kg, or increased by 1.72 percent compared to the price of similar quality paddy in the previous month. Likewise, the average GKP price at the huller level was Rp4,649 per kg, or increased by 1.56 percent. The average price of GKG at the farmer level was Rp5,148 per kg, or increased by 0.19 percent. Meanwhile, at the huller level was Rp5,269 per kg, or increased by 0.28 percent. The price of the other quality paddy at the farmer level was Rp4,272 per kg, or decreased by 0.15 percent. While at the huller level was Rp4,374 per kg, or decreased by 0.15 percent.
  • Compared to June 2021, the average price of paddy at the farmer level in June 2022 for GKP quality decreased by 0.16 percent, while for GKG and the other quality paddy increased by 3.72 percent and 3.13 percent, respectively. At the huller level, the average price of paddy in June 2022 for GKP, GKG, and the other quality paddy increased by 0.08 percent, 3.62 percent, and 3.33 percent, respectively.
  • In June 2022, the survey of rice producer prices at the huller level was conducted in 31 provinces and recorded 1,158 observations from 906 milling businesses.
  • Compared to the previous month, the average price of premium quality rice at the huller level was Rp9,497 per kg, or decreased by 0.16 percent. The price of medium quality rice at the huller level was Rp9,008 per kg, or decreased by 0.63 percent, and the average price of the other quality rice at the huller level was Rp8,849 per kg, or decreased by 0.60 percent.
  • Compared to June 2021, the average price of rice at the huller level for premium quality decreased by 0.42 percent, while medium and the other quality increased by 1.14 percent and 1.77 percent, respectively.
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