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Exports in February 2022 reached US$20.46 billion and Imports in February 2022 reached US$16.64 billion

Release Date : March 15, 2022
File Size : 5.91 MB


  • The value of Indonesia’s exports in February 2022 reached US$20.46 billion, increased 6.73 percent compared to exports in January 2022 and rose 34.14 percent compared to February 2021. „
  • Non-oil and gas exports in February 2022 reached US$19.47 billion, increased 6.55 percent compared to non-oil and gas exports in January 2022 and rose 35.24 percent compared to February 2021.
  • Cumulatively, Indonesia’s exports from January to February 2022 reached US$39.64 billion, increased 29.75 percent over the same period in 2021. Likewise, non-oil and gas exports reached US$37.74 billion or increased 31.02 percent. „ The highest increase in non-oil and gas exports in February 2022 was mineral fuels commodity, in amount of US$1,756.4 million or increased 141.45 percent from January 2022.
  • The highest decrease was iron and steel commodity, in amount of US$372.9 million or decreased 16.67 percent.
  • By industry classification, exports of manufacturing products during period January– February 2022 increased by 29.57 percent, exports of agriculture, forestry, and fisheries increased by 11.45 percent, and exports of mining and others increased by 42.84 percent compared to the same period in 2021.
  • The main country destinations of non-oil and gas exports in February 2022 were China at US$3.72 billion, United States at US$2.39 billion, and Japan at US$1.71 billion, with the contribution of the three reaching 40.18 percent. Meanwhile, exports to ASEAN and the European Union (27 countries) amounted to US$3.68 billion and US$1.58 billion, respectively.„
  • According to the province of origin, Indonesia’s largest exports in January–February 2022 came from Jawa Barat with a value of US$6.07 billion (15.31 percent), followed by Jawa Timur at US$4.14 billion (10.45 percent) and Riau at US$3.38
  • Imports of Indonesia in February 2022 were worth US$16.64 billion, fell by 8.64 percent compared with January 2022, or rose by 25.43 percent compared with February 2021.
  • Imports of oil and gas in February 2022 were worth US$2.90 billion, increased by 30.19 percent compared with January 2022, or increased by 122.52 percent compared with February 2021.
  • Imports of non-oil and gas in February 2022 were worth US$13.74 billion, fell by 14.05 percent compared with January 2022, or grew by 14.84 percent compared with February 2021.
  • The most significant decrease in imports of non-oil and gas in February 2022 was iron and steel which fell by US$368.3 million (27.13 percent). On the other hand, sugars and sugar confectionery experienced the highest increase, which grew by US$117.8 million (41.21 percent).
  • The largest trading partner countries of non-oil and gas imports in January–February 2022 were China US$10.48 billion (35.27 percent), Japan US$2.54 billion (8.55 percent), and Thailand US$1.97 billion (6.62 percent). Imports of non-oil and gas from ASEAN and EU countries were US$5.31 billion (17.87 percent) and US$1.69 billion (5.68 percent), respectively.
  • Compared with the same period last year, the total of Indonesia imports for all broad economics categories in January–February 2022 experienced increases, which consisted of US$109.0 million (4.08 percent) for consumption goods, US$6,866.3 million (34.69 percent) for intermediate goods, and US$1,279.4 million (31.01 percent) for capital goods.
  • Indonesia’s balance of trade in February 2022 experienced a surplus of US$3.82 billion, which was mainly affected by a surplus of non-oil and gas of US$5.73 billion. On the other hand, there was a deficit of US$1.91 billion in oil and gas.
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