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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

The Percentage of Poor Population in September 2021 decreased into 9.71 percent.

The Percentage of Poor Population in September 2021 decreased into 9.71 percent.
Release Date : January 17, 2022
File Size : 2.76 MB


  • The percentage of the poor population in September 2021 was 9.71 percent, lower by 0.43 percentage points compared to March 2021, and lower by 0.48 percentage points compared to September 2020.
  • The number of the poor population in September 2021 was 26.50 million people. It showed a decrease of 1.04 million people compared to March 2021, and a decrease of 1.05 million people compared to September 2020.
  • The percentage of the poor in urban areas in March 2021 was 7.89 percent, and it decreased to 7.60 percent in September 2021. On the other hand, the percentage of the poor in rural areas in March 2021 was 13.10 percent, and it declined to 12.53 percent in September 2021.
  • The number of the poor in urban areas in September 2021 decreased by 317.2 thousand people from 12.18 million people in March 2021. The number of the poor in rural areas decreased too by 721.9 thousand people, from 15.37 million people in September 2020 to 14.64 million people in March 2021.
  • The Poverty Line in September 2021 was IDR 486,168.00/capita/month. It consists of the Food Poverty Line of IDR 360,007.00 (74.05 percent) and the Non-Food Poverty Line of IDR 126,161.00 (25.95 percent).
  • In September 2021, poor households in Indonesia had on average 4.50 household members. Thus, the Poverty Line per poor household on average is IDR 2,187,756.00/poor household/month.

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