[Revision 09/11/2021] August 2021: Open Unemployment Rate (TPT) of 6.49 percent - BPS-Statistics Indonesia
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[Revision 09/11/2021] August 2021: Open Unemployment Rate (TPT) of 6.49 percent

Release Date : November 5, 2021
File Size : 3.87 MB


• The total workforce in August 2021 was 140.15 million people, an increase of 1.93 million people compared to August 2020. The Labor Force Participation Rate (TPAK) increased by 0.03 percentage point.
• The working population is 131.05 million people, an increase of 2.60 million people from August 2020. Employment fields that experienced the largest percentage increase were the Manufacturing Sector (0.65 percentage point). Meanwhile, the jobs that experienced the biggest decline were the Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Sector (1.43 percentage points).
• A total of 77.91 million people (59.45 percent) worked in informal activities, down 1.02 percentage points compared to August 2020.
• The percentage of part-time workers rose by 1.03 percentage points, while the percentage of underemployed workers fell 1.48 percentage points compared to August 2020.
• The number of commuter workers in August 2021 was 7.34 million people, an increase of 330 thousand people compared to August 2020.
• The Open Unemployment Rate (TPT) in August 2021 was 6.49 percent, down 0.58 percentage points compared to August 2020.
• There are 21.32 million people (10.32 percent of the working age population) affected by COVID-19. Consists of unemployment due to COVID-19 (1.82 million people), Non-Work Force (BAK) due to COVID-19 (700 thousand people), temporarily not working due to COVID-19 (1.39 million people), and working population who experienced a reduction in working hours due to COVID-19 (17.41 million people).
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