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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

August 2019: Open Unemployment Rate (TPT) of 5.28 Percent

August 2019: Open Unemployment Rate (TPT) of 5.28 Percent
Release Date : November 5, 2019
File Size : 6.19 MB


  • The Open Unemployment Rate (TPT) has decreased from 2015 to 2019. In August 2019, the TPT fell to 5.28 percent compared to last year which was 5.34 percent. There are 5 unemployed out of 100 workers in Indonesia.
  • In line with the increase in the workforce, the Labor Force Participation Rate (TPAK) has also increased. August 2016 TPAK amounted to 67.49 percent, an increase of 0.23 percentage points compared to last year. The increase in TPAK gives an indication of the economic potential from the supply side of the increased workforce.
  • Judging from the trends in employment during August 2018-August 2019, employment experienced an increase in percentage mainly in the Provision of Accommodation and Food and Beverage (0.50 percentage points), Manufacturing Industry (0.24 percentage points), and Trade (0.20 percent points). While employment fell, especially in Agriculture (1.46 percentage points), Financial Services (0.06 percentage points), and Mining (0.04 percentage points).
  • Formal workers are those who try to be assisted by permanent workers and who become laborers / employees / employees. There are 56.02 million people (44.28 percent) formal workers. Whereas there are 70.49 million people working in informal activities (including self-employed, trying to be assisted by temporary workers, casual workers and unpaid workers) (55.72 percent).
  • August 2019 Sakernas noted there were 8.13 million underemployed people (people who work less than 35 hours a week and are still looking for work or are still willing to accept work) and 28.41 million part-time workers (people who work under normal working hours less than 35 hours a week but not looking for work or not willing to accept another job).
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