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Product - Official Statistics News

Production Growth of Large and Medium Manufacturing Industry Quarter III-2018 Increases 5.04 Percent and Production Growth of Small and Micro Manufacturing Industry Quarter III-2018 Increases 3.88 Percent

Production Growth of Large and Medium Manufacturing Industry Quarter III-2018 Increases 5.04 Percent and Production Growth of Small and Micro Manufacturing Industry Quarter III-2018 Increases 3.88 Percent

Release Date : November 1, 2018
File Size : 0.64 MB


Growth in the production of large and medium manufacturing industries in Q3-2019 rose by 5.04 percent (y-on-y) to Q3 / 2017. The increase was mainly due to the increase in apparel industry production, which was up 23.13 percent. While the industry which experienced the largest decline in production was the computer, electronic and optical goods industry, which fell 22.31 percent.

Growth in the production of large and medium manufacturing industries in quarter III-2018 rose by 4.13 percent (q-to-q) against quarter II-2018. The industries that experienced the highest production increase were the motor vehicle, trailer and semi trailer industries, which rose 15.11 percent. While the industry that experienced the largest decline was the leather industry, leather goods and footwear, which fell 10.62 percent.

Growth in the production of large and medium manufacturing industries in quarter III-2018 (y-on-y) at the provincial level which experienced the highest growth was Aceh, which was up 48.51 percent. Whereas provinces that experienced a decline in growth were South Sumatra, which is down 33.71 percent.

Growth in the production of large and medium manufacturing industries in quarter III-2018 (q-to-q) at the provincial level which experienced the highest growth was Lampung, which rose 29.53 percent. While the provinces that experienced a decline in growth were North Maluku, which fell 18.71 percent.

Quarter III-2018 growth in the production of micro and small manufacturing industries rose by 3.88 percent (y-on-y) against quarter III-2017. The increase was mainly due to the increase in base metal industry production, up 18.64 percent. While the industry which experienced the largest decline in production growth was the tobacco processing industry, down 44.78 percent.

Quarter III-2018 growth in the production of micro and small manufacturing industries fell by 0.35 percent (q-to-q) against quarter II-2018. The industry that experienced the highest increase in production growth was the tobacco processing industry, up 32.36 percent. While the industry that experienced the largest decline was the machinery and equipment industry which fell 8.46 percent.

Growth in the production of the micro and small manufacturing industries in the third quarter 2018 (y-on-y) at the provincial level which experienced the highest growth was East Kalimantan, up 52.02 percent. While the province that experienced the largest decline was West Papua, down 13.66 percent.

Growth in quarter III-2018 (q-to-q) micro and small manufacturing industries at the provincial level which experienced the highest growth was West Sulawesi, up 29.11 percent. While the province which experienced the largest decline was Papua, down 13.24 percent.
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