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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

The Farmer Terms of Trade Updates, Producer Prices of Unhusked Rice Updates And The Growth of Labor Wage September 2008

The Farmer  Terms of Trade Updates, Producer Prices of Unhusked Rice Updates And The Growth of Labor Wage September 2008
Release Date : November 3, 2008
File Size : 0.07 MB


  • Table 1 Changes of National Farmer Terms of Trade by Sub Sector 2008 (2007=100)
  • Table 2 Farmer Terms of Trade by Sub Sector and Percentage of Change 2008 (2007=100)
  • Table 3 Farmer Terms of Trade by Province and Percentage of Change, September 2008 (2007=100)
  • Table 4 Persentage of Change of Rural Consumer Price Index by Province, September 2008 (2007=100)
  • Table 5 Number of Observations, Unhusked Rice Prices at Farmers and Rice Mill And The Reference Prices by Group of Quality, October 2008
  • Table 6 Percentage of Unhusked Rice Observation Under and Same With GPP by Quality, October 2008
  • Table 7 Average of Unhusked Rice Component by Quality October 2008
  • Table 8 Percentage of Unhusked Rice Price Observation at Rice Mills Under GPP and Non Quality Unhusked Rice, January-October 2008
  • Table 9 Average Price of Unhusked Rice by Quality August-October 2008
  • Table 10 The Summary of Farmer Labour Wage (Rupiah) Per Day
  • Table 11 The Summary of Informal Labor Wages (Rupiah) in Urban per Day/Months (2007=100)
  • Table 12 The Summary of Industry Labour Wage (Rupiah) per Month
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