BPS-Statistics IndonesiaBPS-Statistics Indonesia
BPS-Statistics Indonesia

Economic Growth of Indonesia in The Second Quarter

Economic Growth of Indonesia in The Second Quarter
Release Date : August 14, 2008
File Size : 0.05 MB


  • Table 1 Growth Rate of Quarterly Gross Domestic Product By Industrial Origin (%)
  • Table 2 GDP by Industrial Origin At The Current And The Constant Price 2000 (Trillion Rupiah)
  • Table 3 Structure of Gross Domestic Product By Industrial Origin 2006 - 2007 First and Second Quarter 2007-2008 (%)
  • Table 4 Growth Rate of Quarterly Gross Domestic Product by Type of Expenditure
  • Tabel 5 Gross Domestic Product by Type of Expenditure First and Second Quarter-2008 (Trillion Rupiah)
  • Table 6 Structure of GDP by Type of Expenditure Quarter I and Quarter II-2008 (%)
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