BPS-Statistics IndonesiaBPS-Statistics Indonesia
BPS-Statistics Indonesia

The Overview of National Tourism and Transportation in December 2007

The Overview of National Tourism and Transportation in December 2007
Release Date : January 2, 2008
File Size : 0.06 MB


  • Table 1 The Number of Foreign Tourists at 15 Points of Entry January-November 2006 and 2007
  • Table 2 Room Occupancy Rate at Star Hotels in 10 Tourist Destinations (Provinces) in Indonesia September-October 2007
  • Table 3 Room Occupancy Rate by Star Hotels Classification in 10 Tourist Destinations in Indonesia September-October 2007
  • Table 4 The Average Length of Stay of Foreign and Domestic Guests at Star Hotels in 10 Tourist Destinations (Provinces) in Indonesia, October 2007
  • Table 5 The Growth of Railway Transportation for Domestic Passengers, November 2007
  • Table 6 The Growth of Railway Transportation for Goods November 2007
  • Table 7 The Growth of Inter Island Shipping for Domestic Passengers November 2007
  • Table 8 The Growth of Inter Island Shipping for Goods November 2007
  • Table 9 The Growth of Air Transportation for Domestic Passengers November 2007
  • Table 10 The Growth of Air Transportation for International Passengers November 2007
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