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Product - Official Statistics News

CPI and The Inflation Rate In November 2002 was 1.85%

CPI and The Inflation Rate In November 2002 was 1.85%

CPI and The Inflation Rate In November 2002 was 1.85%Download Official Statistics News
Release Date : December 2, 2002
File Size : 0.23 MB


  • November 2002, was marked with 1.85 % inflation. From the calculation of the ConsumerPrice Index (CPI) in 43 cities, inflation was experienced in 42 cities, while deflation wasmarked only in 1 cities. The highest inflation was in Bandar Lampung (3.97 %), and the lowest was in Pontianak (0.48) %. While the deflation was experienced in Manado (-0.22%)
  • Based on the group of expenditures, the inflation was contributed by the increases in theprice of unprepared food (5.03%), prepared food, beverages, and tobacco products(1.68%). housing (0.71%), clothing (0.90%), health (0.15%), education, recreation andsports (0.06%) and transportation & communication (0.17%).
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