January 15, 2025 | Other Activities
Amalia Adininggar Widyasanti, Acting Chief Statistician of Indonesia's Statistics Agency (BPS), joined forces with Acting Principal Secretary Dadang Hardiwan at a high-level ministerial meeting on the National Single Social and Economic Data (DTSEN) initiative. Held on January 13 at the Coordinating Ministry of Social Empowerment headquarters, the meeting was chaired by Coordinating Minister Muhaimin Iskandar. Attendees included State Secretary Prasetyo Hadi, National Development Planning Minister Rachmat Pambudy, Social Affairs Minister Saifullah Yusuf, and Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform Minister Rini Widyantini.
The meeting reviewed progress on the DTSEN framework, a presidentially mandated effort to unify and streamline government data. Coordinating Minister Muhaimin underscored the significance of DTSEN as a critical step towards inter-agency data harmonization. He also announced that a forthcoming presidential directive would cement the initiative’s legal foundation, ensuring robust support for its implementation.
Amalia provided an update on BPS's integration work, which combines data from multiple sources, including DTKS (Unified Database for Social Welfare), P3KE (Initial Data Collection for the Social and Economic Registry), and Regsosek (Social and Economic Registry), with inputs from Dukcapil (National Civil Registration) and other databases. "This data consolidation and updating process is essential to guarantee the precise targeting of social assistance programs," she said during a press briefing after the meeting.
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