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BPS and Ministry of Industry Partner to Enhance Industrial GDP Data

BPS and Ministry of Industry Partner to Enhance Industrial GDP Data

BPS and Ministry of Industry Partner to Enhance Industrial GDP Data

January 10, 2025 | Other Activities

Statistics Indonesia (BPS) and the Ministry of Industry (Kemenperin) have signed a collaboration agreement to improve the preparation of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) data for the industrial sector. The signing ceremony was held on December 19 in the Garuda Room of the Ministry of Industry’s headquarters.

Acting Chief Statistician of BPS, Amalia Adininggar Widyasanti, and Secretary-General of the Ministry of Industry, Eko S.A. Cahyanto, signed the agreement, witnessed by the Minister of Industry, Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita, and the Minister of National Development Planning/Head of Bappenas, Rachmat Pambudy.

Speaking at the event, Amalia highlighted BPS’s dedication to strengthening collaboration with other institutions to ensure high-quality data. “We hope this partnership between BPS and the Ministry of Industry will grow even stronger and bring meaningful benefits, not just for our organizations but for the entire nation,” she said.

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