December 2, 2024 | Other Activities
The ‘Asta Cita’, a set of guiding principles for the nation's development, highlights the importance of reinforcing national identity, particularly through strengthening the ‘Pancasila’ ideology, democracy, and human rights, as well as advancing human resource development, science, technology, education, health, gender equality, and the empowerment of women, youth, and people with disabilities.
To promote these values, a discussion forum titled "Strengthening National Character and Identity: Towards Indonesia Golden 2045" was held on 13 November at the Borobudur Hotel in Jakarta. The event, organized by the Coordination Ministry of Human Development and Culture (Kemenko PMK), featured Ateng Hartono, Deputy Chief Statistician for Social Statistics of BPS, as a key speaker.
At the forum, Hartono presented the 2023 Mental Revolution Achievement Index (ICRM), which is based on 24 indicators and five key movements: Indonesia Serves, Indonesia is Clean, Indonesia is Disciplined, Indonesia is Independent, and Indonesia is United. "In 2023, Indonesia’s ICRM score stands at 73.82, an improvement of 3.35 points from 2021’s score of 70.47," Hartono explained.
In recognition of its contributions, Statistics Indonesia was awarded by the coordinating ministry for its role in measuring the ICRM. The award was presented by Warsito, Deputy Coordinating Minister for Mental Revolution, Cultural Advancement, and Sports Achievements at Kemenko PMK. "We thank BPS for its collaboration in this measurement, which helps track the progress of our development targets," said Warsito.
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