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March 2022 Highest Inflation Since May 2019

March 2022 Highest Inflation Since May 2019

March 2022 Highest Inflation Since May 2019

April 1, 2022 | Other Activities

Head of the Central Statistics Agency (BPS), Margo Yuwono, stated that March 2022 inflation was 0.66 percent in the BPS Press Release today (1/4). Margo also said that this figure was the highest month-to-month inflation since May 2019. "The main contributors to inflation in March 2022 came from red chili, household fuel, gold, jewelry, and cooking oil," said Margo.

The food, beverage and tobacco expenditure group contributed the most to inflation in March 2022, which was 0.38 percent, with inflation at 1.47 percent. This was triggered by an increase in prices for commodities such as red chili, cooking oil, and broiler eggs, which each contributed 0.1 percent; 0.04 percent; and 0.04 percent.

The increase in red chili prices was influenced by the limited supply of commodities due to seasonal shifts. Meanwhile, the increase in the price of cooking oil occurred because the government revoked the regulation regarding the highest retail price (HET), while the increase in the price of chicken eggs was due to the increased cost of animal feed.

In addition to inflation, BPS also released other strategic indicators, namely the Wholesale Price Index, Farmer's Exchange Rate, Producer Prices of Grain and Rice in Mills, as well as National Tourism and Transportation.

Complete statistics can be seen in the Official Statistics News by accessing the bps.go.id website or through the BPS Allstats application.






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