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Deputi Bidang Distribusi dan Jasa Ajak Kolaborasi, Koordinasi untuk Kegiatan Terintegrasi

Deputi Bidang Distribusi dan Jasa Ajak Kolaborasi, Koordinasi untuk Kegiatan Terintegrasi

Deputi Bidang Distribusi dan Jasa Ajak Kolaborasi, Koordinasi untuk Kegiatan Terintegrasi

November 3, 2021 | BPS Activities

"The impacts of Covid-19 include the emergence of new knowledge about big data, data science, data analysts. Let's change, learn about the use of big data," said Deputy for Distribution and Service Statistics (Disjas) BPS, Setianto when giving a speech at "Coordinator Development Functions and Sub-Coordinators of the Integrated Provincial BPS Distribution Statistics Division" in Bandung, (3/11). The participants are representatives of 34 provincial BPS.

Setianto asked the participants to be guided by the book "Directions for Changes in BPS" which had been launched to be ready to face the challenges of BPS. One of the challenges of BPS is the demand for data to be of higher quality, variety, and faster presentation.

The Deputy of Disjas must also transform to be able to integrate various survey activities. "This integration will reduce the burden on respondents and field officers," added Setianto. Surveys that have been integrated include the Trade Profile Survey, the Inter-regional Trade Survey, and the Trade Distribution Pattern Survey. The three surveys are integrated into the Trade Survey. Integrated Holiday Special Survey in Weekly Price Survey. Price statistics entry processing at all levels ranging from producer prices, rural prices, wholesale price statistics, and consumer price statistics is integrated in the Synthesis application (Integrated Price Statistics System).

This guidance presented several speakers, such as Eka Chandra Buana (Director of Macro Planning and Statistical Analysis of Bappenas) and Rizal Edwin (Assistant to Deputy for Digital Economy of the Coordinating Ministry for the Economy).

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