Hand in Hand with K / L Public Relations in Indonesia, SP2020 Is Getting Ready to Sail - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia
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Hand in Hand with K / L Public Relations in Indonesia, SP2020 Is Getting Ready to Sail

Hand in Hand with K / L Public Relations in Indonesia, SP2020 Is Getting Ready to Sail

December 10, 2019 | BPS Activities

Jakarta - Not wasting the opportunity, the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) utilized the Thematic Forum of the Public Relations Coordinating Board (Bakohumas) this time to socialize the 2020 Population Census (SP2020). The activity which was held on Wednesday (04/11) and took place at the Best Western Hotel, Jakarta was attended by representatives of dozens of ministries / institutions (K / L) who were members of the Bakohumas. Through this forum, BPS wants to reiterate that the State Civil Apparatus (ASN) has a big role in the success of SP2020. Mainly in increasing the Online Population Census response rate (SPO).

The Minister of Law's Expert Staff for the Ministry of Communication and Information, Henri Subiakto, stated that the population census does not only belong to BPS, "BPS only records. Users of the data later yes these ministries as well. Because without data, policies can be inaccurate. Can deviate, "he said. Hendri hopes that the government public relations in each K / L can participate in socializing the implementation of SP2020 to the employees in their respective institutions. Agreeing with Hendri, Kecuk Suhariyanto as Head of BPS also revealed, "The success of SP2020 will be the success of all of us. So the key is one, that is collaboration. "

Furthermore, Deputy of BPS Social Statistics, Margo Yuwono invited all forum participants to learn more about SP2020. Margo told about innovations in SP2020, starting from using a combination method to a new method of filling, which is filling online that can be done by accessing the official page census.bps.go.id during 15 February - 31 March 2019. In addition, Margo explained that BPS had also collaborated with the National Siber and Sandi Agency (BSSN) to ensure the security and confidentiality of data both collected online and in interviews.
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