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BPS Sestama Open Three Activities at Once

BPS Sestama Open Three Activities at Once

BPS Sestama Open Three Activities at Once

July 3, 2019 | Other Activities

Yogyakarta - Workshops related to the procurement of goods and services are very vital, considering that the BPK's findings on ministries / institutions (K / L) are still dominated by the procurement of goods / services. understanding of the person in charge of the regulations, as well as the different perceptions between the person in charge of procurement in the center and in the regions.

This was conveyed by the Central Secretary of BPS, Adi Lumaksono, when opening three activities at once, namely the Preparation of the BPS Budget Work Plan and Budget for Fiscal Year 2020; Workshop on Subdivision of Procurement of Goods and Services for Fiscal Year 2019; and National Instructor Training for Sugar Cane Commodity Survey (Komstrat) 2019 at Melia Purosani Hotel, Tuesday (6/25). "For that, I ask all of you to really devote your thoughts and attention to exploring this very crucial Perpres (Perpres No. 16/2018 concerning the Regulation of Procurement of Goods and Services, red)," Adi pleaded with the participants.

Regarding the implementation of the Sugar Cane Strategic Survey in 2019, Adi said that through the survey there would be valid and current data that could illustrate the estimated data on the area and production of sugarcane household businesses as well as distribution patterns of sugarcane production in 2019 using CAPI (Computer Assisted Personal Interviewing) . Why is sugar cane chosen? "Our sugar needs are still imported and our consumption from year to year is indicative of increasing. So that to meet domestic demand not to import, this commodity will be a very strategic part. For that, the most up-to-date sugar cane production data is needed," Adi said.

The survey will be carried out in seven provinces, namely Aceh, West Sumatra, Lampung, Central Java, East Java, NTT and West Kalimantan. This survey was the first to be conducted in Indonesia, after last year's trials were held in Tulungagung and Ponorogo (East Java). The seven provinces are the provinces with the largest sugar cane farming households in Indonesia based on the results of the 2013 Agriculture Census.
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