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Keep Momentum, Ten Years Again Too Long

Keep Momentum, Ten Years Again Too Long

Keep Momentum, Ten Years Again Too Long

June 19, 2019 | BPS Activities

Yogyakarta - BPS Deputy for Social Statistics, Margo Yuwono chaired the SP2020 Net Rehearsal Preparation Meeting (GB) at the Grand Dafam Syariah Hotel, Yogyakarta Special Region (DIY), (12/6). Important coordination is needed, considering that one of the districts in the DIY Province, Kulon Progo, is a rehearsal area. The stages to be trialed are an independent online census using CAWI (Computer Assisted Web Interviewing) starting next week.
Margo explained the description of the changes in the SP2020 method to participants consisting of the Head of DIY Province BPS, Head of DIY District / City BPS, SP2020 Coordination (Mako) Headquarters in DIY Province BPS, Mako SP2020 BPS Kulon Progo Regency, and several BPS staff in Java Province The middle. "Don't worry (SP2020 with combined method, red) is hard, but if we don't take this opportunity, we need to wait ten more years to take advantage of the potential. At that time, we will be far behind," Margo explained.
Head of BPS of DIY Province, JB Priyono instructed his team to move quickly. "Coming home from here, I have to know what I will do with SP2020, especially GB first," JB ordered his team.
All meeting participants seemed to be seriously listening to the presentation on technical, administrative, and when _role playing_ CAWI. Low noise cannot be stopped when the discussion session begins. A variety of questions and responses appeared mutually, especially participants from the Kulon Progo District BPS who would be involved in socializing GB SP2020. "Understand the essence, we introduce it first. It's okay if you encounter problems in the journey. It will be input for improvement in the next GB and the actual SP," Margo concluded.
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