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Polstat STIS Academic Seminar on Raflesia Earth

Polstat STIS Academic Seminar on Raflesia Earth

Polstat STIS Academic Seminar on Raflesia Earth

October 15, 2018 | Other Activities

Bengkulu - BPS Deputy for Social Statistics, Margo Yuwono, closed the Bengkulu Provincial BPS National Statistics Day (HSN) activity which was packed in an Academic Seminar entitled "Poverty Study from the Expenditure and Savings Behavior Perspective and Determinants in Bengkulu Province in 2018", (2/10 ) The seminar topic was raised from the Field Work Practice Results (PKL) of Student Statistics Polytechnic (Polstat) STIS Force 57 which was held on February 18 to March 2, 2018 in Bengkulu Province.

"This topic arises from the problem of Bengkulu Province where the poverty rate is quite high, recorded in March 2018 of 15.43 percent, while the national figure is 9.82 percent. However, the poverty rate in Bengkulu Province is not in line with other macro indicators that are quite good, so "We need to do a deep enough study to get a rational explanation for the high poverty rate in Bengkulu," Margo said in his remarks.

The event which was held at the Multipurpose Building of the Bengkulu Governor's Office was opened by the Bengkulu Regional Secretary, Nopian Andusti. The seminar participants consisted of the DPRD, regents / mayors, the head of the kabupaten / kota BPS office, the provincial apparatus organization, academics, the mass media, and representatives of the Polstat STIS lecturers and students. "PKL activities are very strategic because it is hoped that the results can be used as material in formulating policies to alleviate poverty in Bengkulu," Nopian said.
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